'After modification GPLink dicitonnary Set GPLinkdict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Before modification GPLink dicitonnary Set GPLinkdictLAG = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'strGPLinkAfter is the GPLink value after modification, you retrieved it with the event log 'under Windows 2008 and with an LDAP request on the where DC the modification occurred under Windows 2003 if instr(strGPLinkAfter,"]") <> 0 then OUModifiedGPLINK = split(strGPLinkAfter,"]") For i = UBound(OUModifiedGPLINK) -1 to LBound(OUModifiedGPLINK) Step -1 GPOLinkstatus = split(OUModifiedGPLINK(i),";") GPLinkdict.add GPOLinkstatus(0),GPOLinkstatus(1) Next End if 'strGPLinkBefore is the GPLink value before modification, you retrieved it with the event log 'under Windows 2008 and with an LDAP request on the LAG DC under Windows 2003 if instr(strGPLinkBefore,"]") <> 0 then OUModifiedGPLINKLAG = split(strGPLinkBefore,"]") For j = UBound(OUModifiedGPLINKLAG)-1 to LBound(OUModifiedGPLINKLAG) Step -1 GPOLinkstatusLAG = split(OUModifiedGPLINKLAG(j),";") GPLinkdictLAG.add GPOLinkstatusLAG(0),GPOLinkstatusLAG(1) Next End if