Apr 18 2010

Generic accounts security

The title of this post seems a bit contradictory, the use of generic accounts in your domain should be limited to the minimum. Access to your domain ressources should be done with nominative accounts when possible, that’s why you want to avoid generic accouns use. However for political or historical reasons a department of your company might use this type of accounts to access some applications or log on some computers. This account is used by several persons, accordingly the password does not remain secret and across many departments, non-authorized persons might know it and use it for other purposes. If you set up a classic change password policy for this account, then when the password expires, a single person will change it and will probably not notify other users that are entitled to use the account of the new password. That’s why generic accounts are generally flagged “the password never expires”, which is an obvious lack of security. We will demonstrate in this post how to set up an automatic system that will change the password and notify users entitled to use the account.
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Apr 07 2010

Monitor GPO Links modifications

You can track GPO links changes by analyzing the security eventlog, GPO links will give you information on which objects your GPO is applied to. We will monitor GPLink attribute changes.

In order to analyze in real time the security log of all your DCs you need to pay for a Syslog solution, like Snare or Kiwi. Or you can try to setup an eventlog forwarding solution if you are under Windows 2008, you can also try to run a script that catches security log events, but you might encounter some performance issues.
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